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Election day is November 6, 2018! And rideshare services are making it as easy and cheap as possible for you to exercise your right to vote.
Both Uber and Lyft plan to offer folks free (or heavily discounted) rides to voting booths around the country. So you can save money while casting your vote.
Uber will add a “Go to the Polls” button in its app, which will hail a free ride to the nearest voting booth. Lyft will give away 50% off promo codes, as well as free rides to “underserved communities that face significant obstacles to transportation.”
Both companies also plan to help make the process of registering to vote easier, and will offer information about “important ballot initiatives.”
We don’t know how many locations will actually receive these discounts. But hopefully we won’t be able to discern an agenda from either of these companies based on where the discounts are issued.
You can read the statements of both Uber and Lyft to find out more about this patriotic promotion.
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